The project logo will be used for a wide variety of purposes: electronic version on websites, social networks, videos, contracts/other formal documents, etc. The logo will be also used on printed materials, such as notice boards, publications, PR set: e.g. T-shirts, pens, decorative magnets, stickers, etc.
How to apply:
All the Competition proposals must respect the Rules and Conditions available here2,3.
The Competition proposal (*.png/*.jpg, 72 dpi) and any potential questions should be sent via email until January 10th, 2021 23:59 Central European time (CET) on the email address:
Logo design must:
i/ be easily identifiable and speak about the mission of the Project;
ii/ be memorable, meaningful and attractive in design;
iii/ be an original artwork of the author not used by any third party, whereby one author may submit a maximum of two entries;
iv/ contain a maximum of three colours;
v/ be submitted in at least four variants (also logotypes are accepted), namely:
- colour variant without text
- black and white variant without text
- colour variant with the text "LIFE Danube Free Sky"
- black and white variant with the text "LIFE Danube Free Sky"
The Competition proposal must include:
i/ the name and surname of the author of the Competition proposal (natural person);
ii/ contact details of the author of the Competition proposal, resp. contact person (telephone, e-mail);
iii/ a brief description of the symbolism of the logo;
iv/ labelling that it is a Competition proposal within the Competition;
v/ statement of the author that he/she agrees with the Rules and Condition of the Competition.
The winning price is up to 800.00 €.
The official language of the competition and for communication with competitors will be English.
We are looking forward to your creative ideas! ?
1The project LIFE19 NAT/SK/001023 Transnational conservation of birds along Danube river has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
2 Protection and principles of personal data processing here.
3 Competition Announcer reserves the right to update the Rules and Conditions. The only valid version is the one published on the project website www.danubefreesky.eu.