The biggest celebration of family, sport, and healthy lifestyle - Familathlon 2022, will finally be live again in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event has been running for over a decade now. This year, Familathlon 2022 will be in the fall - on September 3 between 10:00 and 16:00. We will be expecting all parents and children at a new location - Sofia Summer Fest, behind the "Earth and Man” National Museum.
We from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds will be there again. We have prepared for you, in addition to the traditional bird watching tours with binoculars and an ornithologist guide, many games, and surprises. We will tell you about the eagles of Bulgaria, and on the occasion of International Vulture Awareness Day (September 3), we will introduce you to the smallest and rarest representative of vultures in Bulgaria - the Egyptian vulture.
During the fest, parents and children will choose from more than 30 sports clubs, children's workshops, creative activities, programming and games. They will meet with over 20 leading organizations that will present various products and services.
For the fourteenth time in a row, Familathlon will be one of the leading fests for parents who want to share more moments with their children. Link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/387557286799132
The activities of BSPB in Familathlon 2022 are organized within the LIFE projects “Life Danube Free Sky”, “LIFE for Eagle’s Habitats“ and "Egyptian Vulture New LIFE".