At the end of July, the activities for monitoring the artificial nesting boxes for Red-footed Falcons and European rollers, which were installed last winter and spring in suitable habitats in Northern and Northwestern Bulgaria, were completed.
At the end of July, the activities for monitoring the artificial nesting boxes for Red-footed Falcons and European rollers, which were installed last winter and spring in suitable habitats in Northern and Northwestern Bulgaria, were completed.
Join us to celebrate the beautiful Danube River and raise awareness about the importance of preserving this incredible natural resource. Discover the Danube's rich biodiversity: Dive deep into the fascinating world of flora and fauna that call the Danube home. Explore interactive
On the occasion of the Danube Day 2023 dedicated to the Danube River, the project partner Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority in Romania organized an activity with the theme ”Keep the Danube blue!"
In May, a broad team from the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (BPSSS) managed to tag 2 Saker Falcons (Falco Cherrug) with telemetry equipment. Birds were tagged in the south Banat area in the vicinity of IBA Deliblato sands.
The LIFE DANUBE FREE SKY project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union. More info.
The LIFE DANUBE FREE SKY project is part of nature conservation and biodiversity projects in Natura 2000. More info.
The LIFE Danube Free Sky project is co-financed by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.