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Tracking the movements of 6 Imperial Eagles will be possible thanks to the installation of 6 satellite transmitters in Slovakia. Data from the transmitters will be helpful in targeting the dangerous pylons in the project area that might cause danger for young individuals. Besides these juveniles in Slovakia, the satellite transmitters will be installed on 6 Saker Falcons in Serbia and 6 Dalmatian Pelicans from Romania. We are already looking forward to the data on where their paths will lead!


The bird-watching camp was held in the area of the Public Institution Nature Park Kopački rit, Croatia for the students of the Department of Biology. On this occasion, we marked World Migratory Bird Day and 30 years of the LIFE Programme of the European Union. The project and its activities were presented to the students, after which we observed and recorded birds with a walk along the rabbit embankment to the Sakadaš dock and a touristic ship ride in the Special Zoological Reserve.

Official logo of the Nationalpark Donau-auen in Austria Official logo of the Österreichische Bundesbahnen - Austrian railway company Official logo of the Slovak electricity transmission system, Plc. company Official logo of the Energy distributor for the Western Slovakia Official logo of the Raptor Protection of Slovakia Official logo of MAVIR - energy distribution company in Hungary Official logo of the HEP-Distribution system operator ltd. in Croatia Official logo of the HOPS  - Croatian Transmission System Operator company
Official logo of the Kopački Rit national park in Croatia Official logo of the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia Official logo of the Elektrodistribucija Srbije Ltd. Belgrade (electricity distributor company in Serbia) Official logo of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Official logo of the CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD - energy distribution company Official logo of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority - national park in Romania Official logo of the E-Distribuție Dobrogea - energy distribution company in Romania

LIFE Programme

The LIFE DANUBE FREE SKY project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union. More info.

Natura 2000

The LIFE DANUBE FREE SKY project is part of nature conservation and biodiversity projects in Natura 2000. More info.

Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic

The LIFE Danube Free Sky project is co-financed by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.

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