The recognition field survey took place in all seven project countries and lasted since January 2021. More than 78 trained field assistants have surveyed the distribution and transmission power lines and utility poles within the priority project areas along the Danube. The main aim of the recognition survey was to define the initial situation concerning the following collected data: technical parameters of the power lines, data of bird carcasses, faunistic, breeding data, and other important permanent biotic and abiotic factors.
Based on the results of the recognition survey, electric power lines evaluated as “potentially dangerous” and “to be verified” will be continuously monitored under the baseline survey until April 2022. The baseline survey is focused to detect especially the behavior of birds - reactions towards "non-safe" power lines. Flight observations will be done twice for each monitored day, early in the morning and in the evening. Starting half an hour before dawn, and continuing for another 1.5 hours after sunrise. In the evening monitoring starts 1.5 hours before dusk and continues for half an hour after sunset. The light conditions during these time periods are insufficient and birds are most active at the same time, hence there is a high risk of a possible collision. A special observation protocol was created to record all important site conditions, such as weather (wind direction and intensity, temperature, the position of the sun, etc.) and various types of reactions, reaction distance, and bird flight altitude.
The main focus of observation monitoring is on collision, to recognize the range of the problem and its relevance for different bird species, habitats, and power line configurations. Understanding the nature of bird collisions is essential for minimizing them.
Based on the recognition and baseline survey results, a conflict map of the riskiest power lines in priority areas along the Danube will be prepared and used to elaborate the mitigation plans specifying power lines for the installation of the bird flight diverters.