At the end of July, the activities for monitoring the artificial nesting boxes for Red-footed Falcons and European rollers, which were installed last winter and spring in suitable habitats in Northern and Northwestern Bulgaria, were completed.
Joint teams from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) and Electrodistribution Grid West ЕAD successfully installed 50 nesting boxes for both bird species as part of the LIFE Danube Free Sky project.
During the months of May, June, and July, a team of experts and volunteers from BSPB managed to conduct monitoring of the nest boxes, and the results are encouraging. Although no breeding of Red-footed Falcons was recorded, a significant portion of these nesting boxes were occupied by Common Kestrels, which successfully raised their chicks. In two of the boxes, the nesting of the Long-eared Owl was also recorded.
Positive results were also achieved with the European Roller. As a reminder, the joint team from BSPB and Electrodistribution Grid West ЕAD placed a total of 50 nest boxes for European rollers on electric concrete poles located in suitable habitats within the specially protected areas "Svishtov-Belenska Lowland," "Belene Islands Complex," "Obnova," "Devetashko Plateau," and "Studenets". These are some of the most important breeding areas for this attractive species in Bulgaria. Out of the 50 nesting boxes, 30 were successfully occupied by European Roller. Several pairs of Eurasian Tree Sparrowс and Spanish Sparrows also found them suitable for their homes. The European Roller successfully raised their chicks, which are now flying but still sticking around the areas with the nest boxes.
Photos: Damyan Petkov