The recognition field survey has started in February 2021 and will last until the end of March 2021. During this period, around 1099 km of power lines and 10900 potentially dangerous utility poles will be examined and their level of riskiness for birds will be evaluated based on the findings (number of the cadavers found under the power lines/utility poles).
The field assistants from all project countries passed the field survey training beforehand to ensure the unified, systematic, and coordinated data gathering across the whole project area.The recognition field survey is an important part of our project - based on the results, the power lines recognized as the most dangerous ones will be examined by the field assistants regularly until April 2022. With such a wide range of the collected data, we will be able to identify the power lines and utility poles that present the biggest threat to birds that are migrating, feeding, and breeding along the Danube river area. The detected wires and poles will be treated with mitigation measures to prevent collisions (by the installation of the flight diverters and thus increasing the visibility of power lines) and electrocutions (by the utility poles insulation).