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Damyan Petkov 1Tracking individuals of various bird species by satellite or radio telemetry has yielded many valuable insights. This year, six juvenile Saker Falcon chicks in southern Slovakia were tagged with satellite transmitters, which will provide up-to-date information on their location. Click on the Read More button and watch a short video directly from the installation! Using this method, where the movements of individuals can be tracked essentially continuously in an online environment, we can get unique data on movements, hunting territories, migration routes, as well as the dangers that mostly juveniles have to face.


Power lines form an unnatural barrier in the landscape and an obstacle for many species of animals. However, wild birds are the most affected by their presence. Flying birds are at risk of striking power lines that they do not notice in time. Birds of prey, in particular, like to use the 22 kV power poles as a resting place or to hunt for prey. But what happens when they connect two wires when they land? How can we prevent this and protect them?


Join us to celebrate the beautiful Danube River and raise awareness about the importance of preserving this incredible natural resource. Discover the Danube's rich biodiversity: Dive deep into the fascinating world of flora and fauna that call the Danube home. Explore interactive


On the occasion of the Danube Day 2023 dedicated to the Danube River, the project partner Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority in Romania organized an activity with the theme ”Keep the Danube blue!" 

Official logo of the Nationalpark Donau-auen in Austria Official logo of the Österreichische Bundesbahnen - Austrian railway company Official logo of the Slovak electricity transmission system, Plc. company Official logo of the Energy distributor for the Western Slovakia Official logo of the Raptor Protection of Slovakia Official logo of MAVIR - energy distribution company in Hungary Official logo of the HEP-Distribution system operator ltd. in Croatia Official logo of the HOPS  - Croatian Transmission System Operator company
Official logo of the Kopački Rit national park in Croatia Official logo of the Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia Official logo of the Elektrodistribucija Srbije Ltd. Belgrade (electricity distributor company in Serbia) Official logo of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds Official logo of the CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD - energy distribution company Official logo of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority - national park in Romania Official logo of the E-Distribuție Dobrogea - energy distribution company in Romania

LIFE Programme

The LIFE DANUBE FREE SKY project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union. More info.

Natura 2000

The LIFE DANUBE FREE SKY project is part of nature conservation and biodiversity projects in Natura 2000. More info.

Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic

The LIFE Danube Free Sky project is co-financed by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.

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